Maisie and I choreographed 'I want it all' so our performance was comfortable and energetic, we choreographed the dance together to make the routine suitable and comfortable for us. Even though there was set choreography, we adapted it to what we were comfortable with doing.
I think personally we got the style of We Will Rock You right. in 'Crazy little thing called love' the chemistry between us grew a lot the more the song went on.
Maisie and I added a dance break in the instrumental we looked at routines on the internet with similar styles and added it to our little dance break. We did a duet - spin in, spin out with each other it went well with the style of the song, the dance style was 'jive' and the dance duet we did was 'jive' like.
In the show my eye level was up, I extended my arms and legs I used the rhythm and i stayed in time and in the style of the music.
street dance final mile stone
today we did our finale mile stone for the dance unit. Grace and myself rehearsed a lot to get it done and polished.
What went well: I kept my eye level up which is an improvement and i didn't count out loud as i do that sometimes i also felt the performance my moves were clean and precise and energetic and me and grace were in tune with each other and in time.
if i could do it again i would love to put some harder choreography in there.
in dance i think i have mad great progress i am now happy to lead a rehersal and im expressing my ideas more clearly to the rest of the group.
street dance mile stone
today me and grace choregraphed out street dance dueo i think we may have given it a more commercial feel however we decided to use the song by niki minage starships we used previous created movement and added cannon isolation and retracting releasing and popping i think our routine has come on along way from out first mile stone sam has told us we need to keep rehersing it i need to again keep my eye level up and i need to get used to the routine i think about it to much.
radio gaga choreography
today i was given the chance to choregraph the first section of radio gaga i kept to the westend version by looking it up on youtube i change slight moves like the hand movent i made jerky and i also added a head role i wanted the start to be reserved and not have to much movement however having simple movements mean it has to be in perfect time. i found teaching back to the rest of the class fairly difficult i even tho i work with children ,
i need to work on my confidence within the group and i tend to loose eye level alot i need to keep my head up and concentrate with what im doing i find it hard to stay focused
what i did well i am very good at keeping posture and timing i no how to move my body with elegence and i think this shows in routines
in the future im going to make myself go foward for more oppertunitys .
25th feb
today we did a all day technical rehersal and went over anything that wasnt working and looked at how we could improve the performance as tomoro we have the national coming to view the performance, and we looked at our costumes. we also went through act three wich is mainly dance
strenght of the rehersal
We all stayed focused and had a prositive vibe around the perfromance.
weakenss of the performance
people being ill and away or late made it difficult to work also the fact the performance was so fast with cues it was easy to miss a line
my strengths
i think my charecter was strong i think my chav imatue look worked well and i liked that my charecter did have a bit of a daring side to her ( perhaps i could play with my speech for the perfromamce )
weakness of my performecnae
tonight i need to go other my cues and make sure i no the oerdrr of my lines and that its the same with everyone and my dance is is on count and make my movements more expressive i need to look more at how a animal moves
today we choreographed one vision
target i need to learn it.
today we looked at radio gaga i choergraphed the first part of the song i found it quite difficult teaching it back
we had choreygraphed the first part of act 3 the dance scene . we now started on the other part of the animal routine for this mel and elle led the choreograpy with the rest of us chipping in.
we started work on the beggining of act three the curicusis scene
we looked at dv8
street dance rehersal
see mastr dvd
do no t wear shirt with trackies
pink shirt ans black trakies
17th decemeber
in todays lesson we did a technical class by sam i need to work on my flexabilty my posture i also need to next lesson come in with a hair band and be more enthusastic
targets i need to work on
1 review health aand planning b12 shots my health is very important and i cant give my best performance if im ill. so in future i will book my injection ealrier
2 use outside support
i need to inform my teachers what happening
chicago rehersal
we went through all our individual numbers im singing all that jazz with a group number around me and im also in both reached for the gun and razzle dazzle and mumma knows best.
for all that jazz
my main concern i s to concentrate on my singing and vocal contorol and not get hooked up in dance.
basically we keept rehersing the number and each time i feel my vocal is improving.
my charecter is starting to come through and im feeling alot more confident with my part.
im also solid routine and enjoying the number ,
vocal projection and remebering lyrics
i need to work on both of my weakness by rehersing and staying carm i will look at my lyrics before i go to bed everynight and reherse when posibble
we went through all our individual numbers im singing all that jazz with a group number around me and im also in both reached for the gun and razzle dazzle and mumma knows best.
for all that jazz
my main concern i s to concentrate on my singing and vocal contorol and not get hooked up in dance.
basically we keept rehersing the number and each time i feel my vocal is improving.
my charecter is starting to come through and im feeling alot more confident with my part.
im also solid routine and enjoying the number ,
vocal projection and remebering lyrics
i need to work on both of my weakness by rehersing and staying carm i will look at my lyrics before i go to bed everynight and reherse when posibble
i need to learn the chorography specialy when the lines "slick you hair and wear your buckle shoess" i neeed to make sure i get my legs righ left first then right .
i sang all that jazz from chicago . my charecter was confident and sassy a seductresss. overall i think the the perfromance went well and i got into my charecter i made sure i stayed strong and focused on the audince. i think my outfit helped as it got me into the mood . i made eye contact with different people and joined in the dance i made sure i was serious through out and incontrol my posture was good and i extennded by postistions well i need to look into keeping my eye level up.
razzle dazzle
chicago show
we had our chicago show and i think my charecterisation was strong and i think i focused o9n my vocalisation well even with my nerves i covered up my wrong leg nwith the line "slick your hair and wear your buckle shoes" i hope the audince didnt realise if i could do the show again i would try to jon in the whole routine and not come in and out fo dance .
refer tomaster dvd #
all that jazz
the centre main rolse singing in glittery lace
razzle dazzle
was a time limitation cause all the other numbers needed to be achieved and we used the score in small groups and created tableaus ( a tableas is still picure like a freeze frame)
backing dancer to left
both reach for the gun
stylised gestures i had to stay in charecter as a puppet n b
backing dancer front left
when your good to mumma
suorting dancer
good time good chartecter i gained eye contact with audience and didnt break focus
chicago rehersal
ive started to learn the routine and i show charecter and emphasism and i have good timing
i somtimes comeout of the routine to focus on my vocals i need to try to do both
i need to consentrrate on doing the routine throughout the whole song and not stopping and stilll singing in key this will improve with more rehersals
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