DISTINCTION 2 comprehensively explain how performance material is contextualised for contemporary use
medea review
for my part of medea , I had to imagine what it was like to be heartbroken and full of hate i hade to change my body language to that of a mature woman a mother whos life has been ripped apart by the man she has sacrifiesd everything for i also have to remeber that she is a woman with no right or status and has very little to go on other than her sexuality . medea has two sons in acient greece this would be a privlige and the sons would have had more rights than medea . medea who is a goddess must find the lack of her right and privileges hard to live by due to her husband leaving and marrying the daughter of king argeus daughter she finds her self in desperation . Because of this, I made the character very stong but continously on edge close to wild . When she comes on stage, she waits a while planning how best to deal with what has happened to her she has just had a row with jason her husban and comes across ageus . at this point medea is desperate and is clawing at any straws she can catch and not far from begging.
medea is a very strong woman who gets what she wants and devious and sees men still as easy prey . When Medea asks ageus if she can come to Athens to escape Creon and Corinth, medea knows that Aegeus sees it as a chance to fornicate with another woman and pertentioally give him children my charecter never intends to sleep with him but likes the idea of escaping and playing him along its the hope of freedom that pushes her to make these plans . wemon back then were only seen as objects ot vessles to make children and to give them pleasure.
my charecters moods change really quickly from dispair to flirtation to hope to planning to hurt and heartache with the death of her children so i felt it was important that i showed the journey medeas mood take i did this by showing her humerous side with medea and using a light fluffy voice and an open flirtatious body language i also had to rember that medea disliked ebing touched my ageus so i had to show the digust in my facial expressions and then when medea is talking to the nurses my body language is big and open im planning i see a route to small and closed my voice also goes quiter when discussing the killing my children.
medea is the centre point of the whole play and in the end holds everyones lives in her own hands.
Ii could see a modern version of medea working as a ceo of a large company with men working beneath her or like the research story of susan.
thursday 28th
what went well :
of the performance and feed back : My mates LOVED the show - in particular, they picked out Megan Ring as their favourite Medea,
wednesday the 27th and
show time
what went well with the performance : i remembered all my lines correctly and and i felt more comfortable with ben i felt the lines were coming more natural and not forced
what i need to improve on in my next performance : i need to let go i can do this by thinking of somthing negative and staying focused i will also reherse the comedy scene tomroro.
reviews of the perrformace and feedback : i need to work on my comedy timing with ben monolouge was better just go for it more.
what went well with the performance : i remembered all my lines correctly and and i felt more comfortable with ben i felt the lines were coming more natural and not forced
what i need to improve on in my next performance : i need to let go i can do this by thinking of somthing negative and staying focused i will also reherse the comedy scene tomroro.
reviews of the perrformace and feedback : i need to work on my comedy timing with ben monolouge was better just go for it more.
Tomorrow (Tuesday)
11 - 6 - ALL CAST - Technical Rehearsal / Dress rehearsal (oh yeah - and we should probably block the murder too!)
11 - 6 - ALL CAST - Technical Rehearsal / Dress rehearsal (oh yeah - and we should probably block the murder too!)
Soooo... Rehearsal calls next week:
Tuesday 19th
- Sam's Lesson - ALL - Intro Sequence - Dance Studio
- Adrian's Lesson - ALL - Various calls - Dance Studio
- After College - 4:30 - 4:50 - Beth Cave (if poss.) Abi Powell, Sarah Anjuli Hoy - Messenger bit
- 4:50 - 5:30 - Ben Williams, Megan Ring
- 10:00 - 4:00 - ALL - Rehearsals, costume and make-up practice / sorting out - FULL RUN THROUGH with props, costumes and some Make-Up - Dance Studio (no access to Theatre)
We are NOT in the Theatre for ANY OF THESE which means that in order to get some time in there before our Technical Rehearsals we will also come in for the following...
- 11:00 - 1:10 - ALL - FULL RUN THROUGH - Sealight Theatre
I would really like us all to be able to leave it at that BUT:
Extra rehearsals on Friday, Saturday and Monday WILL be called if we don't get everyone we need for rehearsals this week.
As Lena says - if necessary, get yourself carried to college on a stretche
Tuesday 19th
- Sam's Lesson - ALL - Intro Sequence - Dance Studio
- Adrian's Lesson - ALL - Various calls - Dance Studio
- After College - 4:30 - 4:50 - Beth Cave (if poss.) Abi Powell, Sarah Anjuli Hoy - Messenger bit
- 4:50 - 5:30 - Ben Williams, Megan Ring
- 10:00 - 4:00 - ALL - Rehearsals, costume and make-up practice / sorting out - FULL RUN THROUGH with props, costumes and some Make-Up - Dance Studio (no access to Theatre)
We are NOT in the Theatre for ANY OF THESE which means that in order to get some time in there before our Technical Rehearsals we will also come in for the following...
- 11:00 - 1:10 - ALL - FULL RUN THROUGH - Sealight Theatre
I would really like us all to be able to leave it at that BUT:
Extra rehearsals on Friday, Saturday and Monday WILL be called if we don't get everyone we need for rehearsals this week.
As Lena says - if necessary, get yourself carried to college on a stretche
Susan Smith
henry the fifth
we saw a child version of the play Henry the fith all the actors were very child like and endearing with the way the spoke for example the use of tantrums and the factor that kissing was still disgusting related to the child humor they also did this with toilet humor. the use of bright colour and the sand pit made out to be the castle in france was a fun way to get the point across. instead of having solderers they used balloons to signify the each death they would be popped this if fun as children like noises weras in the original play there would have been actor stage fighting and females would not have been on stage as seen in this production.
how an audience would react :
an audience of this time would not have understood the modern language or the use of humor and would have found strange.
an audience of this time would not have understood the modern language or the use of humor and would have found strange.
today we went to the rose theater to a re contextualized adaptation of Medea. i really enjoyed the performance i thought the use of Arial acrobatic brought a new approach to it the material and ropes in red suggested blood and also gave Medea the chance to actually look like a goddess as she could move this couldn't have been done in traditional Greek thearter as there wouldn't have been a structure to carry it of the use of the back wall which they described as they wanted it to look alive was really good it was like the wall between life and death. the fact that the show was indoor was also different to Greek theartre as there theartres were outside. also women wouldn't have been able to play the role as theartre was for men and the script had been shortened and modernized . i liked how the edema we saw portrayed Medea she was fierce and strong and the use of her pitch and tones of her voice from low to high really made me look into how i could improve my own character i also liked how she played it raw she was a woman not a goddess or a girl she was a woman and she did this with maturity,
when i played Medea i tried to include some of this .
how an audience would react :
i think if the production had been shown in ancient Greece the audience would be shocked and would not have supported the fact women were doing something men were suppose to be doing.
when i played Medea i tried to include some of this .
how an audience would react :
i think if the production had been shown in ancient Greece the audience would be shocked and would not have supported the fact women were doing something men were suppose to be doing.
resistance and running
14th November masks workshops
today we made our dresses from using red silky material picture to be seen -in this workshop we had to make a dress with no pins we split three bits of material 150 cm each section and wrapped then around our body we have decided to go with our dresses to use white face and body paint we are looking at red eye contacts to go with the dress
we then did an exercise called copy the mask we had to copy what the face did within the body these masks will be used in our piece for a four min short piece this will really help medea with her body movements if she cant use her face even tho we have decided to not have masks for Medea and our makeup will be our masks.
we then did an excersise called lazzy
rules of wearing the mask
you must always face the back or keep the mask hidden before a scene
u must always create a internal monologue
- Never turn your head so the mask is not 'end on' (Facing the audience fully) not even profile (facing perpendicular to the audience)
- Never touch your mask while it's on your face.
- Never talk in the mask
- Don't put the mask on the floor.
what this will help with my charecter
i have taken the rules of having to face the front of the audince like if i was wearing masks also the fact to never have back to an audince unless the beggining of the scene.
medeas mask ideas
12th november
Modern America
"In 1966, the United States had 10,920 murders, and one out of every twenty-two was a child killed by a parent."
Despite our predilection for considering modern civilization "advanced," the crime of infanticide has continued to pervade most contemporary cultures. The major difference between the nature of infanticide in the twentieth century, when compared to the rest of recorded history, however, is due to the impact of one modern medical advancement: the widespread availability of safe, and legal, means of abortion. The ability to easily terminate a pregnancy, and thereby eliminate an unwanted child before it is born, has had a profound effect on the prevalence of infanticide. The human species has killed almost 10% - 15% of all children born. The majority of these murders have been associated with reasons of necessity at least in the minds of the infanticide parent - or with untoward reactions against an unwanted birth. With little ability to abort an unwanted pregnancy safely, troubled parents have had little choice but to wait until full-term delivery before disposing of the conception.
Of approximately 6.4 million pregnancies in the United States in 1988, 3.6 million were unintended and therefore subject to dangerous consequences. 1.6 million of those unwanted pregnancies resulted in abortion. In Britain, more than 160,000 legal abortions, or terminations of pregnancy, were carried out each year during this same period of time. The Family Planning Association in Russia says that there are more than 3 million abortions performed each year, more than double the number of births. In France, there are almost one million abortions each year, equal to the number of births. This means that over five million pregnancies were aborted in the Western world alone each year, and if the births of those children would not have been prevented, it is very likely that many of those infants would have been victims of infanticidal rage.
Morally right or wrong - a case of murder or manifestation of a woman's right to choose - the fact remains that the frequent use of abortion has eased the necessity for killing an infant after its birth.
Infanticide (or infant homicide) is the intentional killing of infants. Neonaticide, killing within 24 hours of a child's birth, is most commonly done by the mother whereas infanticide of a child more than one day old is slightly more likely to be committed by the father.[1]
In many past societies, certain forms of infanticide were considered permissible. In some countries, female infanticide is more common than the killing of male offspring, due to sex-selective infanticide.
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12th November
today we went over the opening sequence to medea the nurse scene it is important to have his polished as we have to work in unison. i have made notes on my script to help my in future- sam has also said i need to watch what i do with my hands they need to relax.7th november social, cultural and historical research into the position of women in Ancient Greek society and how Medea fits into this.
- "Ownership" of women - who owned them? Did they not own themselves?
- Could a woman inherit property? If not, why not?
- What were the rights of a mother with regard to bringing up her children?
- What were the rights of a wife to get divorced?
- How does this information help you to understand Medea's behaviour in the play?
- What did they know?
- What were they allowed / not allowed to do?
- What big, civic events (political debates, play competitions, sporting events) would they go to?
Looking at the female roles in Medea - Nurse / Medea / Chorus.
- How could the actors playing them use this research to help their characterisation (voice, posture, movement)?
- How does this information reflect the characterisation of the male characters?
wemon in actient greek times were owned by there husbands and fathers and zero right
- "Their father controlled them before they were married
- Their spouse controlled them once they were married"Once a woman was married her husband controlled all property. Any property that she might have inherited would go directly to her husband. She had no rights to wander about the town, without a just cause. Any respectable woman would not be seen in public. Greek women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at all stages of their lives. Since men spent most of their time away from their houses, women dominated Greek home life. The wife was in charge of raising the children and making the families clothes. She supervised the daily running of the household. In a totally slave based economy plentiful numbers of female slaves were available to cook, clean and carry water from the fountain. Only in the poorest homes was the wife expected to do these duties by herself. Custom dictated that women should limit her time outside the home. Visiting with a female neighbor was really the only appropriate time for the woman to leave her indoor duties.To notify the neighbors of a birth of a child, a woolen strip was hung over the front door- this indicated a female baby. An olive branch indicated a boy had been born. Families did not always keep their new child. After a woman had a baby, she would show it to her husband. If the husband accepted it, it would live, but if he refused it, it would die. Babies would often be rejected if they were illegitimate, unhealthy or deformed, the wrong sex (female for example), or too great a burden on the family. These babies would not be directly killed, but put in a clay pot or jar and deserted outside the front door or on the roadway. In ancient Greek religion, this practice took the responsibility away from the parents because the child would die of natural causes, for example hunger, asphyxiation or exposure to the elements. If the baby were accepted, there would be a celebration- given a name, and presented to the gods and goddesses. It was difficult for a woman to divorce her husband. Most divorces in ancient Greece were by the husband. If he chose to divorce her he would reject her in front of witnesses or merely send her back to her family home. Upon the divorce, the dowry would be returned and the children (if any) would remain with the father. Women would lose all rights to their children. If however, the woman had committed adultery the husband did not have to return the dowry. For a woman to divorce her husband she would have to endeavor to find an archon (and Athenian official) and provide good reasons for a divorce to be granted. A man, however, could put a stop to all this by simply confining the woman to the home. Athenian fathers had all rights to end the marriage, until the woman produced a child. Before that, he could brake up the marriage so that the woman could return home, or marry another man.
- What did girls do?
- They learnt to read- in school or at home
- They learnt important household skills-spinning, weaving, sewing, cooking and other household jobs
- Learnt simple facts on mythology, religion and occasionally musical instruments
- Spent most of their time in her household with other women- only leaving the house to perform religious duties
- http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/ancientchix/ by
- re hh
by reading this information in how little rights women have it gives me a deep understanding of hard and frustrating it must have been for Medea character i can understand why she has no respect for men in the play from what i have read bout wemon having no rights i can understand how she wants to get revenge secondly the fact that wemon are not ment to have any rights to her children and they would go to jason anyay makes her killing her children not to strange for the times in acient greece and in a way i no its a horrible concept i can understand how she would need to go to this extremes to stay with her children. this helped me see another point of view of how medea should be played her charecter is very sensitive.
2) Looking at the female roles in Medea - Nurse / Medea / Chorus - a) How could the actors playing them use this research to help their characterisation (voice, posture, movement)? b) How does this information reflect the characterisation of the male characters?
medea usualy as a woman in acient would be humble however medea is a goddess and would be proud with how she moves her voice would be louud and hse wold stand tall howver a nurse who is a sevant to medea would be quite low in the pile considering she is unmarried she would have no rights and i think her body language wouldd be humble like she is begging closed body language yet the fact she has the respect of medea means she has more room to be more confident and her body language would be more upright.
men would be powerful and stong in comparison to wemona and vocals would be stong and powerful with a casual open body language specially jason who would be cocky.,
5th and 7th november
today we did walk slow stop the exercise intends for us to work as a group (chorus) we all started of walking at a normal pace then changing speed 1 the slows 5 the fasted once we were moving as one we had to the all together change our speeds in silence as a unison .we then did a activity called school of fish where one person instead of a whole group takes the lead . the person at the from leads and when they change direction the person then in front autonomously takes the lead.
what have i learnt from this - i have learnt that u have to be focused an quite for this excersie to work i also discovered the first exercises easier as i find letting someone else take control difficult. for my part of medea it well help me lead ad i am a goddess i need to be assertive and in control.
comparison table
The tempest
(Elizabeth theartre )
Modern Shakespear
Productions including ours
Medea (5th century BC Greece)
Modern greek theartre Including ours
See picture of the globe in blog the space was open other than were
the rich sat wich was under shelter
We will be in a modern
See picture and info bellow
See picture
Variety middle class
Variety of classes
Mainly men came to see the performance as wemon were expected to look
after the children
College friends and arrange of the public wemaon can come see the performance
Wemon were not aloud to perform and men played wemon
We are allowing wemon to play the wemon for example we have changed a king ot a female ceo as now in our time wemon have equal rights and have the same level of athority and power as men did back in shakespear times.
See blog
See blog
Cultural significance
Yes other playes simila in that time were by William shakespear aka Macbeth
the lion king wich is based on hamlet has been modernised into a animation film telling the story to children and new generation
See blog
See blog
Political significance
The conflict of power and acceptance
and calaban is shown as a black person
to show slavery
othello adrian leister
See blog
See blog
medea 22nd of october
- size, shape and layout of Greek Theatres (feel free to annotate the diagram provided, but make sure you mention that you got it from the lesson. Also make sure your annotations are your own words)
- audience size and behaviour
- special rules about who goes where
- the biography of the character you are representing (What would their life have been like? You will cover this in more depth over Half Term when you will construct a more detailed character profile, but it would be good to get an overview of life for your character in Ancient Greece.)
-from worthing performing arts blog
the history of Greek threatres
During the Hellenistic period, Lysimachus, king of Ephesus who was one of the successors of Alexander the Great , who is believed to have constructed the original theater in the early stages of the third B.C. this was also when , the first permanent skene or scene building was built . The theater was expanded, during the Roman period, by the early emperors Claudius, Nero, and Trajan. it has been sed that The Apostle Paul delivered a sermon here. The Theater of Ephesus was used until the 5th century A.D where unfortunately it was damaged by an earthquake. - own words
the Theatron
the audience area of a Greek theater is called the theatron, wich is very simila to the word theatre this is the word originated from. the design allows all crowds to see the performers. Greek theatres are well known for there acoustics- the word audience referes to the property of hearing. not only this an average theartre was enormous At one time the Dionysian theater held up to 14,000 people other big theartres could hold 15,000 viewers. - my own writing
it was known If the people disliked what was being presented to them they might interrupt it by mocking the actors, yelling, or throwing food. The spectators might also beat the wooden benches they were sitting on with their hands. With this embarrassing possibility in mind, many playwrights tried to win over their audience through flattery and the distribution of small gifts. Although it was difficult to gain audience support at times, it may have been an easier task than gaining the people's attention. The large crowds were extremely loud and probably did not notice when an actor stepped up on stage. In order to get the spectators quieted down and ready for a performance, the actors had to do something interesting and outrageous. For example, a comedic performer might tell jokes or tease people in the audience. If there was more than one performer they might get the audience's attention through horseplay (ie. yelling, fake fighting, etc.). Before a dramatic performance a prologue might be given by the playwright that explained the legend he was depicting. The style of the opening depended largely upon the type of the play to be performed.
What the Audience Sat on
the first performances probably had the audience sat on the grass or stood on the hillside to watch the plays it soon evolved in to wooden benches . as time went on , the audience sat on benches cut from the rock of the hillside or some even made of stone. Some prestigious benches towards the bottom might be covered with marble or otherwise enhanced but these were for priests and officials aka there was a hierarchy . -These front rows seat are sometimes called proedria the prefered seating and—front row center—to the high priest of Dionysus Thereabouts including elaborate carving and a clearly marked inscription. - own words
. The prestige seat were a few rows up, but they came a lot later on .here was also a special block of seats reserved for members of the boulê, the 500-member Executive Council of the Assembly. Ordinary citizens might have been assigned seats on the basis of the ten Attic tribes; theater tickets were often stamped with a Greek letter that apparently referred to a specific wedge of seats. The price of theater attendance was apparently two obols, equal to the wages an unskilled man might earn for a day's work. Athens had established a special fund, the Theoric Fund, to which any male citizen enrolled in a deme might apply to obtain the money for a theater ticket—a clear indication that attendance at the theatrical performances in the City Dionysia was considered a civic duty. Simon Goldhill describes how the seating in the Theater of Dionysus reflected the nature of Athenian society:http://www2.cnr.edu/home/bmcmanus/tragedy_theater.html
Viewing the Performances
Seats were arranged in curving (polygonal) tiers, as you can see from the photo, so that the people in the rows above could see the action in the orchestra and on stage without their vision being obscured by the people beneath them. The curve followed the shape of the orchestra, so where the orchestra was rectangular, as the first may have been, the seats facing the front would be rectilinear as well, with curves to the side. (Thorikos, Ikaria, and Rhamnus may have had rectangular orchestras.) This isn't too different from the seating in a modern auditorium -- except for being outside. - own words
Reaching the Upper Tiers
To get to the upper seats, there were stairs at regular intervals. This provided the wedge formation of the seats that is visible in ancient theaters.
the tempest
the history of theartre
Theatre time - line
534 BC - Drama AS competition
550-630 BC - Greek Theatre
900-1500 - Mystery plays and morality plays
1500-1700 - Comedia dell'arte/Satire/Slapstick
1550-1642 - Revenge tragedy and Elizabethan theatre
1642-1660 - Puritans ban theatre
1660-1800 - Restoration comedy
1800-1880 - Melodrama
1880-1940 - Realism/Naturalism
1952-1965 - Theatre of the absurd
1976 - National theatre opens
534 BC - Drama AS competition
550-630 BC - Greek Theatre
900-1500 - Mystery plays and morality plays
1500-1700 - Comedia dell'arte/Satire/Slapstick
1550-1642 - Revenge tragedy and Elizabethan theatre
1642-1660 - Puritans ban theatre
1660-1800 - Restoration comedy
1800-1880 - Melodrama
1880-1940 - Realism/Naturalism
1952-1965 - Theatre of the absurd
1976 - National theatre opens
review of the tempest
today we had our performance of the tempest where it was to be filmed in the rehearsal before hand i was told my character movement was Strong and physical and my projection was good.
what went well with the show - i kept focus and i felt my energy was strong for example when i jumped of the stage i landed wrong and id did actually really hurt myself but as i was in character i did not show this in future if i was to do it again i would slow down my speech giving me more time to prepare for the jump properly, also i felt my character was even more clear than in my rehearsals and i reacted to having the camera on me i came alive my character was bigger and i felt more relaxed and more like arial for example i added more arm movements and more giggling. as a group i think we gave a energized performance and did well with the only short amount of time we had.
what i could improve in future - i think i could improve my timing of speech i could do this by slowing down and adding a few more pauses i will continue to add epthisis on different words.
the tempest
we have have modernized the tempest by using guns instead of swords and our outfits match a futeristic eara we have also changes the kinds charecter to a co firstly as we have a small amount of guys but because in our time wemon are now treated as equels and have the same level of power and authority.
spaces of the mind - rehersal diary 1st and the 3rd of octobre
in todays lesson we looked at ceicly berry and the spaces of the mind we started of the lesson by standing in a circle and each picking a line from our scripts not only did this help me actually learn one of my lines as ariel it also helpwed me find the emthisis by doing actions and the speed we had to use when going round the circle helped me forget what i was saying enough for it tro role of the toungue we then had to walk around the room ans everytime we met a punctuation mark we had to change direction or sit down this really helped my find the flow of my speech however i do feel my charecter wouldnt talk like every other person as she is a spirit creature i can imagine it being sing songy. at home i have another ceicly berry book wich really helped me to understand my text.who is cecley berry research
Cicely Frances Berry CBE (born May 17, 1926) is the voice director of the Royal Shakespeare Company and is world-renowned in her work as a voice and text coach, having spent many years as an instructor at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. She has conducted workshops all over the globe, including Korea, Russia, and Asia. Her work has also extended to prisons, using Shakespeare as a vessel to find confidence in speaking and response to imagery. One of her earliest teachers was Barbara Bunch. She stated her thoughts about her own work in New Theatre Quarterly saying that, “I see my job as intrinsically to do the following: (i) through exercises to open out the voice itself so that the actor finds her/his true potential – after all, do not singers train? (ii) by working on text – hearing and listening – to give the actor choice, and power over that choice” (1997, 48). She talks about being able to find pleasure in being articulate through Shakespeare and poetry. It puts actors in touch with their imagination, and therefore, can lead them to their own greater self-awareness. Cicely Berry’s exercises tend to be based on resistance and rougher, physical work. One of her favorite quotes is from Thomas Kyd’s play The Spanish Tragedy: “Where words prevail not, violence prevails.”In addition to her extensive voice and text work in the theatre, she has also done significant work in film. Including serving as "dialogue coach" on The Last Emperor (1987); "dialogue coach" on Stealing Beauty (1996); and as "voice specialist" on Julie Taymor's 1999 film, Titus.
more lesson reviewing
we then spent the rest of the lesson blocking the scnene "" with joe who played ferdinand and lindsy who played miranda (see picture of script) im playing arial 1. scnenes starting to come togetherwhat went well with this scene - we worked well as a group Adrian has suggested that i make my character more giggly i enjoyed my blocking and suggested to Adrian that i make my character seductive but still creepy i do this by dragging joe by the colla this also shows that im in charge and a higher power status, joeys character doesn't actually no im there and acts unaware of my actions.
the 24th and the 26th september
today we got used to the script the tempest and read throught the scenes and we decided how we were going to contextualize it - we have decided to set it in the future we are using guns instead of swords and we are making the royals gangsters there costumes will be suit and tie and they will use guns as swords now adays are not used and for my character arial 1 will be dressed in a floaty dress similar to water. we tidied scene one the boat scene and started scene 2 after reading my character i new i wanted to base my character on the wiches from macbeth and make her quite creepy and for her to use a great deal of physical theartre.what i need to improve on -
i need to work on my lines and understanding of the language and the meaning
how i will do this
i will do this by researching and re reading the text
what went well
i think my pysicallaiasion was really storng and im loving the blocking of my charecter . for example i start on the stage blocks staring down at prospero i like this because i felt that my charecter at this point believes she is in charge then arial jumps from the stage blocks onto the floor centre stage laiughing histerically at first i was quite nervous about doing this but the more i rehersed it and saw how well it worked and how well it add to the maddness of my charecter i new i had to do it .
the globe theartre
the poor people would be held in the open area in the center with no ceiling for protection from weather whereas the rich would have box seats with a ceiling above them.
opening of the tempest our first full lesson
today we looked at the meeting scene were we have both ariels and prosperos entering discussing the plans ahead of them with the use of the music by skrillex the beat created a perfect opportunity to make it dance and helped with the timing of our characters. at first we started of with the ariels sperate and the prosperos we then decided to have the proseperos and the arials pair me with ben and beth with amber we decided to have the two plotting. the character playing prospero then takes over and controls us with hand movements that follows with our heads.the movement in the circle we walked in reminded me of making a spell/potion .
notes to do -
i need to be more eirie and creepy ill do this by getting lower to the ground and having a blank expression. when ben controls me.
19th septemeber
shakespeare contextualised for contemporary audiencesThen a sub-heading: Three examples of how Shakespeare plays have been adapted to suit modern audiences
has been modernized into lion king a child's adaptation with animals portraying the characters the colors are bright and colorful this is to entice a new audience still telling the story of shakespear.
its set in Africa its almost like a dream state utopia and the music sound score is light and fun creates emotions.
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