principles of acting + bad girls

the video above is a really good excerise to help develop your own charecter aka sylvias story is that she married a man called bobby who cooks her tea this tells my charecter has a family and waited on and does very little but also has a good heart in there somwhere. also thst my chsrecter is the leadter of the realtionship.
the excerisie also helped put into perpective how sylvia became to where she is now maybe she her husban is a stay at home and she is the person pay the bills.

Stages of character

My character

sylvia hollamby

She is 50 years old.
she works at the priso 
sylvia speaks well i want my charecter to put on a front that sometimes drops when she is round jim . my charecters voice is very sarcastic and arroagont
theres nothing wrong with my charecter she sprity and confident however when she feels things arnt going her way she puts on a fron of having a bad back and uses this as a excuse

my charecter doesnt wear usual uniform and thinks of herself above her post my charecter will have grey hair and she will have a id badge .

We have been working on our forum theatre pieces in the style of Augusto Boal. where i am working with ben and Joe, the piece what can happen when taking drugs . My character, is Tiffany who is a a young teen around the age of 16 yrs old  who pressures her friend joe into taking drugs with this dude called leo . this is opression of charecters.

our peice starts of where  Joey meets Tiff in the park . my charecter is moaning there is nothing to do and basic chit chat this could be where the audience changed the ending of the story . however joe then sees leo a cool kid who has been expelled from school and gets my charecter tiff to call him over. my charecter could be seen as opressed as she craves to be popular and this is what society sees as the best way of life.

In the second scene,tiff helps leo into pesading joe to take drugs  Joey isscared at first but only agrees because Tiff goes as well.   Joey,s charecter here is seriously opressed from both Leo and Tiff. a change of scene direction is that tiff gets over her opression and walks out with joe leaving leo.

In the next scene, all three of them arrive at Leo's house wich is dirty and trashed  . Leo then  asks them who is going to take it first. Tiff tells Joey to go first, but she gets annoyed with him for calling her meg insulted she storms of leaving her phone  Joey is then oppressed by both Tiff and Leo, and decides to prove her wrong. The audience will probably stop the action here, and make Joey leave with Tiff, removing him from harm. However, he takes the drugs, and collapses on the floor.

In the last scene, Leo tries to wake Joey up, panicks about what to do . due to the drugs he decides not to . But instead, Leo cleans the flat . Tiff then comes in to collect her phone, and finds Joey's body on the floor. She panicks and trys to ring her mum  leo then kills tiff . Both Tiff and Leo could feels oppressed, both for the same reason - guilt. Leo admits that he gave Joey far too much of the drug, and Tiff feels guilty because she shouldn't have pressurised him into taking the drugs.


Given Circumstances are the basis for an actor and his role, they are created by  the playwright, the director and designer and form the context in which the actor can 
ask: what if….? 

a list of  Stanislavski given circumstances 
• The story of the play 
• Its facts, events, epoch, time and place of action 
• Conditions of life 
• The actor’s and director’s interpretation 
• The production, the sets, the costumes, the props 
• Lighting and sound effects. 

Stanislavski believed  that a actor should start by analyzing the 
play including the background and outside features. he believed that every fact to do with the play would help his charecterisation its 
suggested that actors should learn the play by heart 
 and work closly with  their external physical connection with one another. This would help to 
orientate this would help to create relationships and natural emotions.

task- 2  in scene 1 i am strip searching rachel i believe it to be in the prison where she is wearing nothing my charecter is a middle aged woman 

task 3 - in act one scene one my charecters objective is to intimidate and belittle the prisinor sylvia enjoys this very much her goal is to also get the job of stip searching her done quickly with little effort.

whos opressed in our play
me and joes charecters tiff and joe are opressed  by me by the fact i need to be popular and joey by my charecter tiff im making him take drugs.

the first scene is me being late to meet joey and talking about what is happening this eveing
the second scene we spot leo and call him over
scene 3 :leo gets drugs
scene 4: joe and tiff have arguements and leave joey and leo together
scene 5 joe dies
scne 6 i discover joe dead leo kills me


  • Explain the purpose of the two short practical exercises and how effective they were?
  • Research at least four ways of staging Bad Girls - Analyse how well each one worked (include pictures)
  • What works/presents challenges when it comes to the set we designed in class?
  • Research Women's prisons and find out what a typical day might be like?
  • Research Augusto Boal and Forum Theatre technique - What impact has this technique had in other countries?

  • Explain the theme and synopsis you chose today? What do you think will work when it comes to applying a forum theatre approach?

The Theatre of the Oppressed describes theatrical forms that the Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal first elaborated in the 1960s, initially in Brazil and later in Europe. Boal was influenced by the work of the educator and theorist Paulo Freire. Boal's techniques use theatre as means of promoting social and political change. In the Theatre of the Oppressed, the audience becomes active, such that as "spect-actors" they explore, show, analyse and transform the reality in which they are living.
boal believed

The Theatre of the Oppressed, a term coined by Augusto Boal, is a series of theatrical analyses and critiques developed in the 1950s. Boal is an avid supporter of utilizing interactive techniques, especially in the context of theatre. Many of his ideas are considered as "a new media perspective", despite the relatively early birth of these ideas. Since then, these ideas have been developed more, giving them meaning in a modern-day context. The creation of the Theatre of the Oppressed is largely based on the idea of dialogue and interaction between audience and performer. Moreover, these ideas have served as a framework for the development and evolution of stronger ideas.[

Question 1 : What relaxation exercises are used by the actors in 'An Actor Prepares' What are the benefits of learning to relax while performing?

Stanislavski uses many different types of  relaxation exercises as being relaxed is really improtant as a tense perormer means less room to move and create charecter . - "The actor should practice relaxing his muscles; we tend to be too tense." I know for a fact i have issues with relaxing there has been many times when i have been to tense wether this is due to nerves stress or anziety . i try not to let this show in my performancesa there are a fiew excerisies that can help 'Relaxation of Muscles' is something that will have a lot of benefits for a Performer- its not just helpfull on stage but in every liffe circumstances like interviesw being able to relax your muscels can help u to apear more confident

Question 2 : What sensory exercises does Stanislavsky use? Why is it important not to rush when working through sensory exercises? 

 with sensory memory both  physical and mental are two sections . our bodies  have 5 senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch. different people have different strengths with each . for example blind people may have stronger sound memory 

 Stanislavski's 'Five Senses' are based on real life events to make each perfromance realism . it basically teaches you not to imagine to become that person


Forum theatre

whilst boal was in South America wich was early  in his career,, the actors or audience members could stop a performance, often a short scene and if a  character was being oppressed aka a old man being abused in a care home The audience could  then change the story line , as long as  got involved and didnt direct from there seats  they would be introducing the boal techniques . this was done to involve the audince and make them part of the scene . , the audience is then alowed to expiernece the story hands on.
Forum theatre was born from 'simultaneous dramaturgy' when, according to Boal this concept of the 'spect-actor' became a dominant force within Boal's later Forum theatre work. The audience were now encouraged to not only imagine change but to actually practise that change,this has now become a very powerful form of theatre

"own words"

Augusto Boal presenting a workshop on the Theatre of the Oppressed in New York City. Riverside Church, May 13, 2008.
boals current manifestion is to give the actors or non professionals a script based on opression and to get the audince and the actor to turn things around.If  the oppression has been overthrown by the spect-actors, the production changes again: the spect-actors now have the opportunity to replace the oppressors, and find new ways of challenging the oppressed character. In this way a more realistic depiction of the oppression can be made by the audience, who are often victims of the oppression. The whole process is designed to be dialectic, coming to a conclusion through the consideration of opposing arguments, rather than didactic, in which the moral argument is one-sided and pushed from the actors with no chance of reply or counter-argument.
Boal clarifies that this practice is not intended to show the correct path, but rather to discover all possible paths which may be further examined. The theatre itself is not revolutionary, instead a rehearsal of revolution. The spectators learn much more from the enactment even if done in a fictional manner, since it stimulates the practice of the art in reality. When encountered in reality with a similar situation they've rehearsed in theatre, forum theatre evokes a desire in people to be proactive since they feel much more prepared and confident in resolving the conflict. The practice of this form creates an uneasy sense of incompleteness that seeks fulfillment through real action. (Wardrip-Fruin, 346) [1]

boal believes that the underdog should be given help aka the oppressed :the theartre of the oppressed is bassically range of technics  forum theatre means that the audince can change the progress of the scene newespaper acting is where they take somthing from political or contrivesal issues and create a scene around this boal believed that i=his audince should have a hand involved with the performance

INVISIBLE THEATRE is a technique of rehearsing a scene with actions that the protagonist would like to try out in real life. This is done in a place where these events could really happen and in front of an audience who, unaware that they are an audience, accordingly act as if the improvised scene was real. Thus, the improvised scene becomes reality. Fiction penetrates reality. What the protagonist had rehearsed as a plan, a blueprint, now becomes an act.

IMAGE THEATRE consists of creating short scenes, no longer than a minute or two, with a strong image that the entire audience can easily understand, identify, and apply to their own lives. Images can be realistic, allegorical, surrealistic, symbolic or metaphorical. The only thing that matters is that it is true; that it is felt as true by the protagonist. Images tell the story in a condensed, outline form using pictures with very little or no talking. The audience is pulled in immediately because they know exactly what is being said. Movement, music, and ensemble are used to heighten the impact.

FORUM THEATRE is a type of theatrical game where a problem is shown in an unresolved form. The audience is invited to suggest and enact solutions. The scenario is then repeated, allowing the audience to offer alternative solutions. The game is a contest between the audience and actors trying to bring the play (or oppression) to a different end. The result is a pooling of knowledge, tactics and experiences. As the audience participates in enacting solutions to break the cycle of oppression they are also “rehearsing for life.”

this is very related to bad girls as the play deals with opressed issues of womon today so these techniques will help us get our charecters.
boal has three main techniques

Tuesday 7th January*Agreed rules of rehearsal process
*Signed agreements
*Discussed staging
*Distributed production roles
*Selected name for Theatre Company - Sealight Theatre Company
*Quick introduction to Boal

Concluded with discussion on purpose of three exercises tried so far.

Why is it important to share a disciplined approach to performance work?
because if disapline isnt there then theres no focus and then this means Accidents can happen specially with the excersise blind cars the person who has closed eyes need to be able to trust the person steering them dicipline means listening and watching poeple around us and listening to what is going on this will really help with our bad girls rehersals process as it will teach us to dicisipine ourselves.

What do you think are your main challenges? (skills & behaviour)
my main issue in the blind cars excerise was being able to trust someone else to tak econtrol of the situation i find this really hard as its our of my comfort zone with the secon excerise i found it hard remebering the choreography it took alot of focus i need to improve this.

Why were you interested in the production role you have selected?
because i like set and this means i can have  a part in the media organisation and it will be interesting to practise my editing skills.
What would you like to achieve in this production?
i would like to get better at a more comedy role this charecter is similar but yet so different to myself or anything i have played i feel her charecter is really deep so i would like to show this aspect of my charecter.

Who is Augusto Boal? What did he want to achieve?
6 March 1931 - 2 May 2009) was a Brazilian theatre director, writer and politician. He was the founder of Theatre of the Oppressed, a theatrical form originally used in radical popular education movements. Boal served one term as a Vereador (the Brazilian equivalent of a city councillor) in Rio de Janeiro from 1993 to 1997, where he developed legislative theatre.[1]

Explain how each exercise developed your skills and the skills of the group?
the two by three excerisise helped us learn to work as a team again after not doing a production for a while it creates distance this helped us become a ensemble again. it also helped us focus and keep the task in hand wich is what we needed as a group for me personally it helped work my brain for remebering choereography and lines .
the second excerise the blind car helped us trust each other to me it was mainly a bonding excersise it also helped with spacial awarness.

objectives of scripts (stan) 

this helps me look at how to become my charecter my wanting the same things she does in the scene it changes the otlook of how u are playing a charecter 

sylvia hollamby 

Senior Officer. She has also twice stood in as Acting Wing Governor (s4ep11 & s8ep9).
Her late husband, Bobby, was also a PO but then left to run his own funeral business. They had 3 children: Constance, Gayle, and Bobby Darren. After Bobby's death, she got married for a second time, to former Larkhall SMO Dr Nicholson, but was widowed on her honeymoon.
Sylvia is the cynic in the PO's Office, the epitome of the 'never listened, never learned' officer. She always thinks the worst of people and their motives and, no matter what, always feels hard done by.
Although she constantly moans about her job, the truth, however, is that she loves it. It's an easy life for her: sitting around in the office, being served tea by the prisoners, and bad-mouthing other folk. Prison would be even better for Sylvia if it wasn't for the inmates, and of course, a few of her more liberal colleagues.
Sylvia has no sympathy for any of the prisoners, regarding them all as guilty psychopaths who will never change their ways. Prison is the right place for them and if it were up to her, that's where most of them would stay. To put it into her own words: "happiness is door-shaped".
Last seen...
Suffering a Natalie-induced attack of seasonal spirit, much to the astonishment of G-Wing's inmates (s8ep11).


sylvia dislikes 
working, moving , helen , justin and anything that involves much energy 

likes: she admires jim , causing trouble , and intimidating and controlling prisoners 

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