Sunday, 18 November 2012

14th november

we spent the morning working on our ties polishing our timings and adding time to our physical theartre this creates a repition only non when the old lady is around making it a familia factor maybe we could do something like this in our national performance we then used our suitcase and our props and to make sure they would fit i need to now make the backdrop video and we need to get the music on to disc i will have this done by next lesson.
strengths of the lesson
we finally asaw our performance come together well and im starting to play with my character as the old lad i have decided not to do the stereotypical old lady with a walking stick and do a more of the emperor in star wars old but extremely powerful because i think it will make it more fairytale and give me more to do with my charecteristion . my character will now be very strong upright still and patient i will also  have a very serious plane face showing no emotion other that determination . my only concern wich i have informed the group that the story line may be unclear and that my character being muted looks like a after thought i have suggested me speaking but the group is very for this i shall have to see how it goes.

the second half of the lesson i learnt all that jazz routine for the chicago show ans have desided to also sing in the dance show this will give me the chance to gain confidence for chicago and we will rock you in the future .

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