Thursday, 13 December 2012

11th december

today was the day of  our TIE performance  and the finale time we would have to work on it or rehearse we had finally managed to finish the piece last night after hours of hard work we finally felt confident with the storyline that it was now clear well clearer than before . to make the story line clearer we had to make changes and the one problem we had was my character she was to mysterious for a serious piece and we need to make her more realistic and   i needed to develop my character for the story to fit now we had two options we either scrap my character and create a narrator or simply make my character speak but under no circumstance was i going to stay the same as i was i felt stupid a ristricted in my part as the muted lady and i needed to develop i wanted to scrap the idea and create a narrator maybe this was because i had had enough of my character but i felt this would have been the simplest road to go down however this would completely change the storyline and would have the negative affect on the other characters with interaction as my part was such a solid role with dylans charecter this could not work as it would take the puprouse of the storyline away also  we didnt have time for this we needed to sort this out fast i then looked at how i could inc operate talking to my character and give her a meaning i did this by suggesting to the group that we make her a friend of the step mum this would then explain why they are linked and how they know each other and attach me to the story line i then needed to thathom why i was powerful so i took the suggestion of being a hypthepyst and this is to how Lauren charecer new me it also added the mysterious feel of superstition and the unknown making it ok to have a slightly confusing storline because the audience could be left in the stoyline of the unknown i think by making it like this it makes my character more stylized  and more threatening which it what we wanted to happen we want the audience to feel how Dylan feels throughout unclear and slightly on edge.

i think using the bored with the text messages worked well as it gave a visual stimulus like our wokshop and again added style taking ideas from brecht. using brecht also kept this area of the pice clean and clear leavig other areas to question the audience.
in the future if we had more time to work on it i think we would have liked to have worked on a peice of frantic pysical theartre maybe an argument between the step mum and dylan as i very much enjoyed the workshop and the  beutiful burnought show.
i dont think the ending was clear having us shout worrds then having dylan wake up  however we went with this becuase we foundit powerful and quite chillin and i quite like the idea that the ending is not clear it opens the question of did this really happen.

 and we are showing durrington huig school
the first group we had we quite and would only be watching our performances i feel this performance out of the two was the strongest and as a group we were slicker with our scene changes and dialogue the feedback we got was positive  they said " that the story line was clear and the chercterisation and the way the story flowed was very good" we took this as a development form what we had hear previous.
our second part of the day was our workshops we all had a go and our group focused on a picture  of somthing political and we asked them to create a freeze frame and then rewind form this scene and creat a freese frame before this picture was taken this would come in handy for when they are devising  a performace. the group was very shy and the teacher tld us from feedback that one girl from his class never participated in class at all  and that she enjoyed the frantic chari workshop.

we then did our second performance to the same class and we again got positve feedback and they to enjoyed and enjoyed the brecht sighns and use of transistions between scenes.

what i liked and felt went well with our performance
i think the scenes flowed well and are transistions were goood i think this is becasue we reduced our prop use and used freeseframes to set the next scene. using this techniques enables control over the scene transition as its your choice when to start the scene.

if i were to do TIE devising again i think i  would change who i worked with as i felt somtimes the group got distracted anf i found it exhausting trying to keep focus i also   think we could have developed it by takeing it to a darker place and maybe adding a twist to our performance maybe the mother could be a syco killer or not actually wih the dad and only pretending i think i would also ads some more frantic assembly especially the dance movement in beautiful burnout. i would also make it longer and have included the audicne more and has them sitting  aroung the stage .

health and saftey and organisation

we had to make sure we knew the schools regulations and that we sighned in and made our self known to the teachers of the lesson and made sure we knew the rules smoking on campus and firebell regulations this is very important when touring and when touring again i think its good be aware of your surroundings.
i think if we toured again i would keep the use of the suitcase as it kept touring simple and small bacause there was less to carry  whilst traveling and it kept out performance simple letting us use more basic techniques like the sighn posts with the riddles on them simple but affective.

 having a deadline ment we had to keep pace to it however we found with our performace due to the amount of time we had it started to lack energy and we ran out of ideas as most of our work was done right at the beggining we didnt notice things were not working like the story line was confusing  till the end so having a deadline is good but i would have preffered  smaller deadline. also it would have made us notice the problems before them happened . maybe we should have made ourselfs smaller deadlines before the finale.

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