in this lesson we showed the year 12 our TIE perfromances this was a great way of getiing points of improvment we were told that that our charecterisation is strong and that my movemnet is stong as i look like im charge of him and that i use every inch of my body when im moving creating tension
we have some great ideas included like the voodo lady and outr settings were strong my charecterisation was also good however i could improve this by maybe speaking .
personal weakness and development
i feel my charecter is not bonded into the scene and hass no connection to the scene i think this could be improved by me speaking and being more realistic maybe i could be a hypmotherphist this would explain why i am so creeepy also i lke the idea of not using chairs i will think this will make the scene transferes quicker and slicker.
notes from year 12
story line unclear we need to make my charecter more realistic and we need to add a connection to me and a other charecter.
scenes dragged again this will be smoother with no chairs and freeze frames .
we will be arranging time to reherse to look at our story line this is very important
i think i have now taken lead and the next rehersal i will be putting my ideas foward without feeling shy
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